Sunday, January 24, 2010

Apple Open House - Making A Difference

On January 13th, Newell-Fonda CSD hosted an open house for other schools interested in implementing a 1:1 laptop program in their school. What an exciting day to see the enthusiasm of these 23 schools and nearly 85 participants. Those attending ranged from superintendents, principals, board members, teachers, and parents.

Spirit Lake CSD brought over 15 people in search of support of a PPEL vote on February 2 to implement a 1:1 in grades 5-12 and carts in grades K-4. In addition, they will be purchasing an array of additional technology. Because my parents live in the Great Lakes region, my dad ran across an editorial of one of the attendees. It would be easy to take offense to the comment "The school had everything to be a struggling or dormant school in a small rural town, with low enrollment and old facilities." But what followed, confirmed how we feel of the advantage we give our students each and every day. In addition, it confirms that our 1:1 becomes less and less about the laptop and more about changing instruction and learning. Read the entire article here.

Great job of involving the stakeholders by first year superintendent Dave Smith. I look forward in working with Spirit Lake in the future as the work towards a 1:1 program. Check out the web presence in pursuit of communicating to the community the importance of this vote. Good luck to superintendent Smith.

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